Saturday, November 03, 2012

A Bear for Mason Bear

There is nothing that makes a sick little man feel better than the love of a Teddy Bear.  Well today Grandma Lori found an awesome bear at the craft show in town and thought that it was exactly what Mason needed to get over being sick!  Now this bear is no ordinary bear... he is a recycled Teddy Bear.  My mom adopted him for Mason from a lady who rescues old, used, unwanted Teddy Bears.  She opens them and fills them with new stuffing, has them dry cleaned and gets them a new outfit (all clothes are also recycled/reused/donated baby clothes) and then she places these bears up for adoption.  We are now proud to have Bernard be a member of our family, proudly sporting a Baby Gap Sweater and Garanimals pants (seriously, I am not making this up) .  If you have any Teddy Bears that you no long want but don't want him to end up alone forever consider donating him to Rescuing Teddy so that he can fulfill his dream of making children happy!  You can follow Rescuing Teddy on facebook if you would like more information on this awesome idea!!  

Welcome to the family Bernard, you will be very loved in our house!


  1. Replies
    1. Seriously, I friended them on FB if you want more information or would like to see all the Teddy Bears available for adoption! We have so many stuffed animals but knowing that this little guy would have ended up in a landfill makes him so much more special!
