Thursday, November 08, 2012

I am not good?

So I am going to use my blog to vent a little bit which I usually don't do but I just need to get this off my chest.  I apologize in advance and you can feel free to skip reading this post if you want! Okay today I am talking to a family member, just a normal conversation back and forth.  Here is just a bit of the conversation:

Me: Guess what, I got free tickets to the Vikings game on Sunday, I am so excited.  Although it didn't hit me until last night that it is my Sunday to work the nursery at church so I am going to have to try to find someone one who will switch weekends with me.

Other:  Ha, work the nursery at church, you act like you are so good when you really aren't.  

Whoa, when did I ever say I was so good?  I was simply talking about my upcoming weekend.  I wasn't trying to act cool or special or anything so what the heck just happened?   And this isn't the first time that a family member has said something like this, here is an example from about a year ago (paraphrased cause it was a year ago and I don't remember exact words).

Friend:  What is Colton doing on Sunday, my boys want him to come over and play?

Me:  Sure, we have church/Sunday School in the morning but I could drop him off afterwards.
Friend: Cool, what church do you go?
Me:  Shepard of the Valley in Woodbury.
Family Member:  Ha, you don't belong to the church, don't act like you are a good church person. 

Now I grew up as a Catholic, went to what could have been called a Catholic Elementary school, went to religion classes all through junior high and high school and was confirmed.  But I would not say I was an active church person, I went to those things because well I was supposed to.  I didn't go to church every Sunday... actually I only went a few times a year (usually on Holidays), and I never pretended to be the perfect Catholic.  However in the past 2 years things have changed.  My mother in law introduced us to her church back in the fall of 2010 when she asked if she could enroll Colton in their Sunday School program.  I was hesitant as it is a Lutheran Church and well I am Catholic and both boys were baptized Catholic but I figured why not, it is a Christian Church so we let her enroll him.  The first week she picked him up and took him with her to church and he came home so excited, he loved Sunday school. The following week I decided I would go with, he could go to Sunday School and I would go to the service with my mother in law.  Well it is all history from there, I loved it.  I never felt so moved, so connected, so inspired by a church service before.  I wanted more.  I continued to go more and more and now it is just the norm, Sunday mornings we go to church (don't get me wrong we still miss one here and there).  I feel like I belong, like this was the missing puzzle piece.  The church is exactly what I have been looking for in a church, a mission based church that is very involved in the community and world wide.  Plenty of opportunities to do things right here in our community as well mission trips to help the far less fortunate and help spread the word which is something I fully intend to take part in once my boys are older and can survive a week or two without their mommy.  The children's ministry program is one that I could brag about for hours, it is seriously amazing all the things they have going on for the kids of this church.  Sunday School is just the tip of the ice burg.  And after two years of being regular attenders Frankie and I have finally decided it is time to make the commitment and officially become part of this awesome church family!  We have been attending classes on Tuesdays nights for the past couple weeks, next week is our last, and then after learning all there is no know about this church and what it stands for we will have the option to officially become members during service on Sunday Nov 18!  I can't wait to finally say I am a member of this church.  And I don't have to convert, I am a Christian and that is all that matters.  The pastor told us we can call ourselves Lutherans, Christians, Believers as long as we are followers of Jesus we are welcome!  I also recently joined the nursery team, I mean Mason goes to the nursery every week so it is only fair that I do my part to work the nursery as well.   I never thought I would be excited about "my church" like I am about this one.  I always heard people talk about their churches and all the connections they have made there and thought that would be cool but never expected to find it.  But I have now and I am so happy about it.  

So why does my family think it is okay to say things like they do, they have no idea the excitement I have found in this church.  I don't usually talk about church cause I don't want to make anyone else uncomfortable or be "that" person.  I don't care if anyone else knows about my new found love to tell you the truth, it is something that I am doing for me not them.  But when I casually mention something about church they always seem to go the negative route and say things like "you think you are so good".  No, I know I have many faults, I don't think I am any better than the next person at all.  Seriously it hurts to hear them say things like that.  So should I just never mention anything about church and just say instead - I totally forgot I had previous plans instead of saying we have church in the morning?  Who are they to judge me, they aren't perfect either but I don't feel the need to call them out on it in front of others and make them feel like a complete ass.  Anyways, vent over, I am sure you are completely confused and are wishing you didn't waste you time reading this but I feel better after just writing it out.   As for my family members who think that me going to church or mentioning something about church is me trying to act like I am so good or better - you are wrong.  It is just something that is now part of my life and I am very happy with it and it might come up in casual conversation, so leave me alone and let me live my life and you just worry about yours!  Enough Said!


  1. OK weird...but this post makes me happy. I kind of grew up the same way, catholic and without any feeling of any kind about my faith or what it meant. When I started going to our non denominational church it felt like my heart opened up and I finally understood that it was what I was needing and searching for in my life. Talk about church all you want or as little as you want and if people don't like it well thats just too bad. Most often I've found that people who make comments like that feel very lacking in their own life and need to try and make themselves feel better. The fact that you have a strong faith and a community within your church probably points out their flaws to them even more.

  2. First of all, I don't blame you at all for wanting to vent. Who does this person think they are? Saying you have church on a specific day is no different than saying you have a meeting, or an appointment. It is not to say how fabulous you are for it. This person is clearly mistaken, and like MarleyHoo said, probably has a poor attitude towards church or faith or what they think that represents. You should pay them no attention.

    And secondly, I too was raised Catholic (went to Catholic school for 9 years) and since then have rarely gone to Catholic church. Instead I've been to my cousins' Lutheran church more often, and I have really felt more at home there than I ever did at my old church. It's great to belong to a community, no matter where it is. Good for you guys!! Maybe I'll have to check your church out.

    1. Our Church is actually out your way Lisa... kinda a drive for us but totally worth it! You are welcome to join us anytime you would like! It is Shepard of the Valley Luthern Church in Afton MN (I know I said Woodbury but techinically it is Afton I guess)!!

  3. Ugh. Sounds like the person making comments has their own issues with "church" and religion. You should be allowed to mention in passing a church commmittment, its a part of your life, I mean crap! Vent away my friend. We just joined a Lutheran church as well. I love how inclusive and laid back lutherans are, and live that they have done away with some if the antiquated (and often discriminatory) ways of catholicism. My mother in law has said that Jesus was a pretty big rule breaker and that rule breaking mentality is one of the awesome parts of the Lutheran faith. :)

  4. Ugh. How annoying! Clearly this person is jealous of you and trying to knock you down. I am happy for you and jealous that you found an awesome church! We joined a church that I'm not very excited about. I will have to keep searching until I find something inspiring.
