Friday, November 02, 2012

National Blog Posting Month

So a friend of mine, Alicia, posted about taking the NaBloPoMo Challenge for National Blog Posting Month, it is a challenge to post every single day of this month.  I decided this might be a fun little challenge although I am not sure I have enough interesting stuff going on in my life to post about every single day but I will do my best to not bore you all to death (and by all I mean the 5-7 people that actually read this blog of mine)!  I love reading other peoples blogs and keeping up with what is happening in their lives and with their children.  It is also nice to hear that others are in the same position as us when it comes to raising kids (especially boys)!  So anyways, let the challenge begin.  I am sure most of my posts will include a pic or two or many as I rarely do anything without my camera in my hand.  

Anyways, I just want to say this for my first post in this challenge... the flu is evil.  I woke up very early Halloween morning with the stomach bug.  I spent the entire day in my bed and by evening was finally feeling good enough to venture out trick or treating with my boys.  Being as it was over pretty quickly I kinda thought maybe it was caused by something I ate and not the flu.  Well yesterday Mason let me know that it was not as he pulled an a little stunt when we were getting changed after swimming lessons.  He sat up on the changing station (almost completely dressed at this point) and he painted the walls, himself, the floor and some of me with his dinner!  Dammit, I was really hoping the kids wouldn't get this stupid bug.  I was able to get it all cleaned up, get him into a dry outfit and we made our way home as quickly as possible before the show began again.  For the next three hours I held him as he filled bowl after bowl trying to rid his body of this stupid bug, each time crying harder and shaking his head no (it was so hard to not be able to do anything to make him feel better).  By 9:30 he finally was sleeping and I could start the endless loads of laundry (sick kids always seem to produce more laundry).  He was back up at 12:30 this morning and was up on and off until 5:30 when I got up for work and he decided it was time for him to be up too!  He drank some water which he gave back about 30 minutes later and then cuddled up on the couch to watch cartoons.  Poor kid... it wasn't gone yet, why couldn't  he shake it as quickly as me!  Frankie stayed home with him today so that I could go to work being as I already missed a day this week.  Frankie kept me updated with text and pictures throughout the day... all of which were of my little man sleeping.  He was so tired that he pretty much passed out in any and every position possible.  Finally tonight he was able to drink some liquids and even eat a little pasta without returning his deposit moments later.  I am hoping this means he is finally getting over it.  Now to pray that Colton and Frankie don't ever get it!  Here are just a few pictures of my sick little man!

1 comment:

  1. Oh mandy that just sounds TERRIBLE. :( Poor sweet little mason.
