Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Good People

I am part of on online garage sale group on Facebook in which people are always posting things they are selling or items they are in search of.  Well this morning a lady posted that she was in search of a low priced winter coat size 2T for her son.  Well I have several hanging in our closets just waiting for a garage sale so I took a picture of one and posted it to her post that said I have this one for sale, $10.  She responded that is looked perfect however she was embarrassed to admit that she didn't have the money right now but could maybe have it by next week and asked if I could hold it for her.  At first my thought was annoyance, like she didn't have $10 but then I realized that maybe she really didn't have anything.  I have been very blessed with all the items we received from friends and family for our boys (we seriously have way more clothes than any one household should for only having two kids).  I decided the $10 was not going to make or break the bank for me so I private messaged her and told her that she could have it for free.  She seemed very grateful.  I said she could pick it up anytime to which she responded that she doesn't have a car right now as she lost her job last fall after breaking her ankle and not being able to work.  Ugg, was it a story or the truth (I will never know).  All I know is that I felt bad that there was a child who needed a winter coat and I had one to spare so I talked to her and found out she live right by Mason's school so I said I could drop it off to her.  I will say that she offered to meet me at Cub which would have been within walking distance to her house but I said it wasn't a big deal to bring it to her.  I then talked to her a little more and asked if she needed any clothes, she responded that he has clothes to wear right now but she hadn't started buying 2t yet and he would be in them soon.  I told her I would bring her some and she repeated said "I can't pay you" to which I would respond that is okay, just pay it forward some day.  She seemed to be extremely grateful.   I went through the several bins of boys clothes I have at my house and put together a bag full for her including jammies, sweatshirts, pants and several pairs of shorts and tank tops for when summer finally arrived.

She sent me a couple more Thank You messages and we set a time to meet.  Then she went on to say that she was trying to find the courage to ask for diapers but didn't even know how to do it.  I said to just ask, people might have some half cases sitting at their houses that their children grew out of and don't have a use for them.  She said she had never thought of it that way.  She said it is hard to ask for hand outs but for her son she is willing to put her own shame aside.  Well tonight I saw that she finally posted the request for diapers.  The response was unreal.  27 comments in about 10 minutes.  Many who had diapers available for her and others who said they did not but they had clothes if she needs them or wipes and baby shampoo.  The outpouring from strangers was just amazing.  And she continued to post that she was so Thankful.  And then an older man come on and said that he would stop by Target tomorrow after work and pick her up a couple cases and drop them of at her house.  My faith in humanity has officially been restored.  There are still so many good people in the world and so many times we only hear about the negative things that are happening but we don't hear about these kinds of stories.  I am sure it is not easy to say that you are have fallen on hard times and ask for handouts but she did it for her child and not one person commented badly or put blame on her.  They just jumped into action and helped this stranger.  So Amazing and heart warming!

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