Saturday, November 16, 2013

Don't Break the Ice!

Well my Saturday night plans changed a little when Mason and I both woke up with horrible coughs and still weren't feeling good when evening rolled around.  We had 4 tickets to the Gopher Hockey game and I was looking forward to our family night out but I knew it wouldn't be fun for anyone with Mason and I need feeling good.  So Daddy and Colton called up Grandma and the 3 of them went to the game while Mason and I stayed home.  We enjoyed some popsicles, lots of cuddles and cartoons and he even convinced me to play "Don't Break the Ice" with him.  He loves this game and it was so much fun to see his excitement when he knocked down the little red guy, little does he know that you lose when you knock him down!  Now this game is fun but it does take a while to set it up each time and then Mason just goes crazy and knocks down all the ice in about 9 seconds (if that long)!  So after about 10 rounds we decided to play a different game..... Angry Birds was his next choice which really isn't any better as you have to build a wall for the pigs to sit on then you have to launch the birds to try to knock them down.  Luckily Mason doesn't have the best aim so these rounds lasted a little longer. 

It was fun to just spend some time hanging with my little man tonight.  With life always moving so fast and so much going on all the time I don't take the time to just sit down and play with him as much as I should.  I know I need to do this more often and I plan to make this a priority as much as possible this winter because he will be grown before I know it and then he won't want to be home on a Saturday night playing games with his mama!!

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