Thursday, November 07, 2013

Why can't I just say "No"?

I am a person to always say Yes and sometimes I wonder why!!  This goes for Colton and his sports/activities as well.  We want to him to try everything that he shows an interest in and a few things that I am interested in and I just hope he will like them too!  So for he has tried out Gymnastics, Swimming Lessons, Wrestling, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Cub Scouts, Karate and Sunday School!  And for the most part he has like them all (wrestling was kind of a bust which I was totally okay with)!  So tonight as I am feeling a little under the weather and just want to crawl on my couch and watch the football game I am asking myself... why do I do this to myself.   This year I have agreed to be the Den Leader for Cub Scouts as our den didn't have a leader and of course the boys needed one.  Now, I didn't have to say Yes to doing this but then we might not have had a den for his age group and he loves Scouts so here I am to the rescue.  So I spend my free time figuring out activities we can do during our den meeting and setting up outings to the local Police Station, Fire Department, Library, Local Parks and whatever else I can come up with!   Now, the Troop also needed help with other activities within our pack and of course I said "I can do it"!  So I am also the Wreath Coordinator for our Pack.  I spent my weekend collecting order forms and money and spend several hours on Tuesday night compiling our order and submitting it as well as figuring out how much commission each scout earned from selling wreaths!  Ugg, and it is over, wreaths will be delivered in two weeks... 187 of them and then we will need to sort orders so the scouts can pick them up and deliver them Thanksgiving weekend.  

So I bet you are shaking your head and thinking I am crazy right.  Well that is just one activity, one night a week.  But there is more.... Monday and Wednesday nights are Basketball practice for 1.5 hours  which I of course agreed to help coach.  Now I was strong enough to say that I couldn't be head coach because I have Mason with me some nights but I am assisting coaching as much as possible.   Friday nights we have Karate.  Sundays we have Sunday School and because I can't say no I am also on our Nursery Crew at our church so I am spend a Sunday every 6 weeks playing with the little kids (which is actually a lot of fun)! Sunday evenings we had Swimming Lessons but those just ended last week so at least that is one thing off the busy schedule (for now anyways)!

Yes I am crazy and yes I should probably learn to say "NO" but when I see Colton having so much fun and meeting so many new friends and enjoying all his new adventures I realize that it is all totally worth it!  I will bend over backwards to make sure he is able to do everything he wants (within reason, no I don't buy him everything he asks for and I do say "no" to play dates when he asks for them every single week night - mostly because we already have something planned)!

Maybe is seems so crazy because Frankie works nights so I am doing so many of these activities with Mason in tow but I know our situation when I continue to sign Colton up for all of these crazy sports/activities.  Oh well, I can rest when my boys are away at college right?  So I guess until then it is is no rest or free time for this mama!  Here's to my crazy, busy lifestyle - I do it all for my
beautiful boys!  

1 comment:

  1. You certainly are busy, woman! I am quite exhausted just reading about your schedule. But I get it, and you're right, you want to make the most of this time with them.
