Thursday, November 14, 2013

Scouts can build!

So one of the things about being a den leader is always needing to have something planned for each den meeting.  Some meetings we just work from our book and cross off requirements that need to be done, some meetings we plan outings to local business/parks and some meetings I have use my imagination to come up with something fun.  Tonight was one of those nights.  Last week I asked the boys what they wanted to do this week and they said they wanted to build.  Well when you are dealing with 1st and 2nd graders that isn't exactly easy to do.  So, we built houses out of Marshmallows and Bamboo sticks.  The boys had so much fun and it was awesome to watch them all create their own unique creation!  My co-den leader did bring some nice cardboard squares to build on and some sea shells to decorate with so before we knew it most of the houses were built on islands.  Love it, being a den leader is a lot of work but also a lot of fun!  Looking forward to many years of scouting to come!

The boys in my den are great, there are 8 of them and they are so hyper and fun and crazy and really keep me on my toes at all times which is awesome!

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