Monday, November 11, 2013

How did I let this happen?

Last year I worked very hard to lose some weight and in March I was 25 pounds under what I was when I got pregnant with Mason!  I was so happy to have shed the extra pounds and was well on my way to achieving my ultimate goal (which was another 20 pounds lost)!  Well here we are 6 months later and I have no idea what has happened.  I have gained back about 13 of the 25 pounds I lost.... how did I let this happen?   Well with my sisters wedding only 3 months away and knowing that I need to fit into a bridesmaid dress and the holidays are coming up I realized it is time to get serious!  It is time to get back to the gym which is very tough with Colton in sports 4 nights a week but soon we will be down to sports 3 nights a week so I plan to go to the gym on Tuesdays and Fridays and will try to squeeze in a visit on either Saturday or Sunday as well.   The boys love going to Kids Club at the gym while I work out so that really helps and then afterwards we all jump in the pool for an hour or so!  On other the nights I am hoping to fit in a 30 minute Jillian Michaels workout to keep me burning the extra calories.  Now I know that exercise won't do it alone... I need to get back to eating properly as things have really slipped in the last 6 months.   I don't expect to be at my ultimate goal by the wedding as that would be 33 pounds in 3 months but being 20 pounds closer to my goal would be amazing!  Maybe I will post a weekly update - Monday Night Check In to keep myself honest and hold myself accountable.  I know I need to do this and I figure there is no better time than right now.  Also I am hoping exercise as well as some added Vitamins (just started taking Vitamin D and B12) will help me with my anxiety which seems to flare up every winter and by January can be in full swing with anxiety attacks happening daily sometimes... I am really hoping to find a more natural way to avoid that nightmare this year and avoid the prescription drugs which I know can be so very addicting.   Here we go.... time to drop the weight and tone up this flab and get back to healthy!!


  1. I'm going through this too! Somehow I've gained quite a bit over the last year and really want to shed it before it gets worse.

    By the way, you certainly don't look like you've gained weight. You look great, and I admire your skinniness! But good luck on working towards your goal!

    1. Thanks Lisa, that was very nice of you to say. I think my height helps me hide my weight but I know ir is there.... that evil scale in my bathroom keeps reminding me!!

  2. You can do it! I intend to be back in the gym 5-7 nights a week too. I took a little break but now I'm back to it and loving it. I go after Mar is in bed (so sometime after 8pm) which isnt ideal but I'll deal with it for now knowing that it will be worth it in the end.

    1. Will totally be worth it..... we can do this!!!

  3. I'm not really sure where you are hiding these alleged 20lb.?!
    I know how you feel hard to stay in the habit of healthy eating and working out. Sounds like you are well on your way!
